- serfdom
- new laws to restrict movement of serfs
- hereditary subjugation
- Bohemian Estates -- what happens to them in the Thirty Years' War
- robot
- Ferdinand III
- Suleiman the Magnificent
- Jannisaries
- Pragmatic Sanction
- Brandenburg
- Frederick William, the "Great Elector"
- Junkers
- Frederick William I
Questions to Consider:
- Why did serfdom decline in Western Europe and not in Eastern Europe? What did the monarchy have to do with this?
- What was the status of Austria and Prussia after the Thirty Years' War?
- How do the Habsburgs move towards a more absolutist state after the Thirty Years' War?
- How did the Ottoman Turks and the Hungarians pose a threat to the Habsburgs and absolutism?
- What was the state of Brandenburg after the Thirty Years' War? How does Frederick William, the "Great Elector" make the move towards absolutism in Prussia?
- How does Frederick William I later solidify absolutism in Prussia?
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